A rant about the daily routine commonplace emotions,and emotions alone.

Saturday 5 January 2013

The Brooke

I have a final exam in one day's time.I should be studying.But it becomes absolutely impossible with thoughts stuck in your head.
A friend of mine gave me a link to read with hopes of providing me with his wingman services.And scrolling through it.It ran into the these lines. Sometimes when i look at the brook running all the way down from the mountain to the ocean,I find the character of the brook so admirable:it is like being indifferent to fame and wealth,discarding self-interests,and standing aloof from worldly success!

And i couldn't help but wonder why would anyone be like a brook,running downhill and letting go of fame,money,name to become part of the lowest mass. They always urge you to be different,be unique,to find yourself,to stand out. And here they talk about going in the opposite direction.Starting from the top and ending up at the ocean's surface where it cant be seen for what it is.
If i follow this path,what will become of me.What becomes of that brook?
The ocean heats up  by the sun's rays,the water evaporates to become clouds and travels to rain at the mountain again.

Well played God,well played!

Everybody in this world is striving for three basic things, consciously or un-consciously. Money,fame,power.We all run after them as they run away from us.Like shadows do when you follow them.Turn your back on them and they follow you.
I remember taking a session where the speaker told us of a story of Moses. He told us that God asked Moses "What's in your hand?". "My staff?",he replied. Then came the rejoined that still shakes me to my core."Drop it and I will make miracles happen".This incident represents the time when Moses threw his staff on the ground and it turned into a giant snake.This was the very staff was later destined to split Nile into two.
When Moses answered God's question.The staff represented his identity-he was known to carry it,his income-as he used it to control his sheep,his influence-as he was a shepherd.
Drop it and I will make miracles happen
Wouldn't we be really unique if we take the road not pursued by masses.To flow in the direction opposite to the known.
But the key to all that we long for is deceptively simple and hard to achieve.Who has the courage to take the prescribed road,give up everything and  trust in God to take him back to the mountain? To relieve yourself of constant worry for these three needs,to embrace equality and let go of yourself. To forget what you've learned to never forget. As yet,i don't.
I hope and pray that someday i achieve it,like so many honorable people have.

Friday 4 January 2013

Winds of Change And Secret Sisterhood

So theres a whirlpool of excitement,work,sense of purpose, to be told.But you know what they say.Some good memories are spoiled if they're put into words.Its one of those amazing,too-good-to-be-true ones as well.
Now we're at the end of the semester and start of the new year.The depression hasnt really left but now has occupied a comfortable niche in my life.Its there to stay unless something scratches it away.That too,i know,will hurt.
Luckily we have some petty things to talk about today.Petty for me,a person whose seen too much in matters of heart and knows too much to care.And grave for a similar soul like mine.Scarred.A fighter who denies to bow in front of the bruises that shatter the very core of soul.And conceals it well.Though it preys on the happiness within as moths do to wood.
Shes a girl.
Its habitual of me to jump from one transient obsessive inclination to another after I've lost trust in the very word,love.And be that as it may,my most recent inclination is a boy that shes in love with.
"Ishq aur mushq chupaye naheen chuptay"-Its a phenomenon more intriguing  than love itself. How its evident from every move you make,every word you speak and every word you don't as well.Like fragrance of a perfume,indeed.It led me to believe my newest fancy is already pursued by her.Secretly.I wont be surprised if shes unaware of it herself as yet.The hints are faint.And yet consistent.
So naturally,there was a competitive sense between us.That led me to dig up in her life in pursuit of weak points.And i found some too.Things that made me soul shiver.We're a part of the sisterhood of the diary-keepers.I had the grave misfortune of reading her pieces. It dawned on me that we share a few scars,a past, an  un-spoken refusal to kneel in front of burns.
And suddenly things changed.I saw my newest infatuation with her eyes. The need she has for him. That i dont. The undaunted love. I could feel her insecurities. The fear of losing him to me.
And in that moment I gave up on him.
Have you ever felt deeply connected to someone who apparently doesnt even know you? Have you felt like giving up things you're fond of for their comfort?
Have you met someone whose reaction towards your warmth,weather reciprocation or sheer coldness,doesnt daunt your sincerity.That person my friend is your secret-sister.
And as per tradition,some garnishing to go with the post: